Hello, my name is Kelly-Ann. Since we just met, let me tell you a little about myself.
I’ve been designing and creating since I was a kid. I’ve never met an art or craft that I couldn’t do. I love to create in general, whether that is drawing, lettering, painting, sewing, modifying, sculpting, decorating, making or anything else along those lines. I completed my degree in Art with a focus in Graphic Design and a minor in Digital Media at the University of Central Florida. In recent years, my personal projects have shifted focus to hand lettering, calligraphy, and digital sketch and watercolor illustration. My family recently got a 3D printer and I am slowly learning how to create my own 3D printable designs.
Figuring out the “why” and “what” for a design is one of my favorite parts of the process. Being able to tell a story visually and keeping the art involved engaging without being overpowering is a fine balance I strive to achieve. While I love bright colors, contrast, and maximalism in my personal projects, I tend to prefer simple, straightforward designs for presentation decks and brands. Much of my recent work in the corporate design space is protected by NDAs and filled with private, proprietary information. As is the case, much of that work isn't able to be included in my portfolio. If you would like to learn more about my work in this area, contact me and I will fill in the gaps as best I can.
I have spent much of my career teaching others how to use and create with their Apple technology, whether that be their iPhone, iPad or Mac. Over 12 years, I have guided people through 50 different operating systems for Apple products. In 2023, I started pursuing UI/UX Design as a way to marry my love of design and my unique understanding of how people use and percieve the interfaces of the technology they encounter every day. I hope to share my knowledge and help create some beautiful and easy to navigate interfaces in the near future.
Aside from my career, I'm married and we have 2 amazing kids and one sweet pup. I'm never far from my either my Kindle or my iPad Pro and Apple Pencil. I love a good story whether they are in books, audiobooks, movies, TV shows, podcasts, or wherever else I can find them. I'm a theme park person and become an annual pass holder wherever I can. Cookies are my love language. Lisa Frankenstein is my personal aesthetic and I am slightly obsessed with galaxies and stars. I wholeheartedly believe we can all have nice things.
I'd love to collaborate sometime. 
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